May Update

It was good to have another runner this week, especially with the racehorse syndicate owners present, with Surrey Gold giving it a good go at Luckless Lingfield. In a very open 4 horse race (all the horses were 11-4 just before the off) we were confident we would be close despite knowing that tactics could be messy, Gold wasn’t quite 100% fit and the course probably wouldn’t suit. I think all of those transpired to deny us, but second place is no mean feat and there’s no doubting Gold will come on for the run. Hughie was very happy with how Surrey Gold  came out of the race, he’s trotted up nicely the following morning and was happy in himself. Sometimes after a long period off it doesn’t hit the horse for a few days to a week. Hughie thought it was a good run, put the other two in their place and Gold probably thought he’d won the race after a mile! In the end he just got beaten by a sharper, fitter course specialist who had something to aim for in the home straight. All going well he would look to run again at the end of May on softish turf, Hughie suggests the same distance but wouldn’t mind a mile 2f on a stiff track or even stepping up to a mile 6f on an easier galloping track. I think we have a decent horse who will rise up the ratings and hopefully perform in some decent Saturday races. 

Not a bad start to the year with a 2021 100% win and place form - figures of 3-1-2 from three runs – early days but hopefully that’s a sign of a good year ahead.

A handful of syndicate owners visited Nicky Henderson this week and got the lowdown on our two there. Gran Luna has had a couple of easy days after picking up a bit of a sore knee and a couple of cuts and grazes, although nothing more than the usual post race knocks. She will probably go out for the summer soon but she is just being kept ticking over until it warms up and the grass grows although if it rained all week Nicky would actually consider giving her one more run but we think that is a long shot.

Surrey Quest is certainly not fat judging by the owner’s pictures and the feedback, To me he looks pretty leggy and definitely not a ‘monster’. He scoped fine this week and is really coming on well. With rain in the air he’ll probably run next week in his debut bumper. Nicky indicated that he’d have one run for racecourse experience and then have a break. He’ll then spend the summer being schooled and hit the ground running as soon as the season starts tackling a novice hurdling campaign.    

All lameness has gone from Surrey Pride, but he still has a bit of heat in the joint, but it’s not restricting his movement and he’s cantering away. Joe will give it a a few more days to make sure the knee is completely healed before picking up his work but all roads lead to York on the 14th at the Dante meeting, in fact the entry has already been made into a class 2 handicap over 10 furlongs, a race that will be live on ITV4

Another runner next week will be Surrey Princess, George thinks a class 5 novice fillies race at Salisbury on Thursday 13th over 10 furlongs will be the perfect race for her to make a reappearance. You may have seen horses parading in red hoods on tv, the hoods settle the horse down and the red indicates that they will be removed before the race, Princess will wear one of those at Salisbury. 

Surrey Mist and Surrey Knight are well, Surrey Knight did take a slight knock last week so he’s had a week off but he’ll be back working again this week.

Another breeze up sale past by this week, this time the Tattersalls Guineas sale from Newmarket. We are actively looking for a new horse but the agents and trainers we use didn’t feel that any warranted a bid and we certainly won’t buy just to acquire a new horse just to put in the shop window which is not the case with other syndicates.

It was good to see the horse owners at Lingfield on Thursday, 6 of the syndicate attended, It does seem silly that in the very wide open spaces we can’t get more passes, and unfortunately that looks set to continue until the end of June. I’ve been trying to lobby the RCA (Racecourse Association) but they have said to me that racecourses are keen to begin to welcome owners for indoor hospitality as this will allow them to provide a significantly greater experience than what is currently offered. I have asked them to talk to their members as that doesn’t help syndicates like us, where we all want to go racing and I’m sure we’d be happy to forfeit an indoor meal for 12 outdoor tickets especially as it starts to get warmer, or at least get offered that flexibility. We will continue to try to please everyone as much as we can but we can only work within the rules and regulations. 

I hope the rain holds for those visiting Seven Barrows on Friday and you have an enjoyable visit.

Look out for entries a-plenty this week!


Weekly Update - 9th May


Boom - Gran Luna -Weekly Update