Welcome to August Update

A quiet week this week although some of the Surrey Racing syndicate owners enjoyed great days out at Glorious Goodwood, it was good to see a few friendly faces enjoying the sun and racing! 

Surrey Gold has grown outwards and looks pretty fit as Hughie gets him ready for the Melrose Stakes at York in 3 weeks time. If it doesn’t rain then we’ll look at races over the following two weeks at Hamilton, Ascot or Haydock

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Surrey Knight starts back up Warren Hill this coming week – the racehorse owners will get the real first hand update in two weeks time when they visit Charlie’s yard - breakfast included! He looks great in these pictures from last week. 

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No real news on the other horses, Surrey Princess and Surrey Mist are well and both due to run nearer to the end of August, whilst Gran Luna and Surrey Quest continue to pound the roads around Seven Barrows as a gentle way to build up their fitness.

Good Luck to all the race horse syndicate owners for August!

Entries and Other Possible Plans/Events 2021

Saturday 14th – Surrey Knight Owners Visit (Newmarket)
Saturday 21st – Surrey Gold – York (Melrose Handicap)
Saturday 2nd – Surrey Mist – Paris Longchamp (Arqana Sales Race)
                       – Surrey Gold – Paris Longchamp (Prix Chaudenay)


Knight Visit Update


A Glorious Update