Weekly Update - 30th Aug

Last week was a quieter week, with not too much to report as the horses all are making headway back from running, holiday, injury or just building up to that debut run. 

Hughie x-rayed Surrey Gold’s feet this week just to make sure he had no unknown issues but he has no untoward problems . He’s had a visit from a special farrier who has fitted new shoes that are glued on rather than the traditional nails which will hopefully help stop him from kicking them, which he has done in the last two races. Hughie is really pleased with the way he’s come out of the York race and is ready to run him again once the ground turns soft. The handicapper dropped Gold a pound this week to an official rating of 86. He won by 7 lengths and went up 14 pounds, has had two 8ths and dropped 3 – it doesn’t seem right.

No real other new news on the other horses. We have arranged for the NH owners to visit Seven Barrows on Tuesday  14th September and the take up has been pretty good with at least 20 horse racing syndicate owners coming along. I’m sure Nicky will have a few drinks at the ready and will share his thoughts on the season ahead so it promises to be an entertaining morning. 

We have been busy scanning the yearling sales books for the next Surrey Racing Champion ! The sales parade moves to Baden Baden this week, we are particular fond of the German. durable stayer so will be working with Anthony Stroud and Matt Coleman to find a decent value progressive middle distance horse (or two).

Watch this space for new horses and if you are interested get in touch.



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