Remembrance Day Update

Firstly a big welcome to yet another new syndicate owner, Patrick, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ride! 

It has been absolutely fantastic to welcome so many new horse racing owners, and in some cases their friends and families to Surrey Racing, it’s going to be a very exciting 2022 that’s for sure. We’ll be organising owners visits to all of the stables in the new year followed by the annual trainer’s zoom call for plans about the season ahead, where we also hope to get the inside track on some of the trainer’s dark horses to watch out for.       

We are down to the last share in Surrey Noir so if you are interested in him then do get in touch. He’s well and has actually moved to Newmarket where he will have next week at a breaking in yard and then will move into Charlie’s stables next week. Surrey Charm has already moved to George’s and has settled in really well, she’s taking everything in her stride. Surrey Belle will continue to enjoy the winter at the stud before joining Hughie in February. 

Surrey Princess was lowered another 2 pounds by the handicapper last week to an Official Rating of 55. It does open up another potential race for her at Lingfield on Tuesday 30th so there’s two options coming up later in the month but I feel we will favour the race at Lingfield. 

Surrey Gold was gelded this week and seems to be ok, as well as can be after being gelded! His feet aren’t as sore and he’s trotting fine. Surrey Knight continues to hack around Newmarket, and Surrey Mist is doing the same in Surrey! 

Obviously the biggest frustration for the owners is the fact we are all still waiting for Gran Luna and Surrey Quest. We had hoped they would have run by now and after last week’s chat with Nicky Henderson who said he wanted more rain, and then looking at the forecast of a dry two weeks ahead, it could be mid December before we finally see them in action, we do share everybody’s impatience. Incidentally, Russian Ruler, who beat Surrey Quest into 2nd on their NHF debuts is entered to run at Warwick on Wednesday.

Entries and Other Possible Plans/Events 2021

Monday 22nd Surrey Princess – Chelmsford (evening)
Tuesday 30th Surrey Princess - Lingfield
Wednesday 15th – Surrey Princess - Lingfield
Saturday 26th – Surrey Knight – Doncaster (Maiden Stakes)  

10th – Surrey Knight (153rd German Derby, Hamburg)



Weekly Update - 21st Nov


Firework Update !