Our weekly round up of Surrey Racing news and views on the wider racing world
Cheltenham Weekly Update
On the first day of Spring, and with the Cheltenham festival behind us, we start to get excited for the flat season ahead. April looks to be a busy month for us! Read more
Focus on …George Baker
Surrey Racing is about being a syndicate racehorse owner in a small group of 10-12 people, providing the perfect opportunity to make friends, share special occasions and celebrate winners. As an owner, it is important that you find a trainer that not only helps you achieve racing success but one that welcomes you into his yard and is willing to consider different opportunities for the syndicate owners. George Baker certainly fits the mould.
Mother’s Day Update
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mum’s who are hopefully being spoilt today ! Read the latest from Surrey Racing ….
Living The Dream !!
It must be every owners dream to win The Derby. The typical formula for success requires a huge amount of money and years of investment in breeding to come up with a special horse and even then you need a decent slice of luck. Given the amount of money involved at the top of racing today getting anywhere near a runner at Epsom in June is a bit like trying to win the lottery. However, for racehorse syndicate owners sometimes dreams can come true and the one thing that is for certain is that if you don’t try you’ve got no chance. Read on for a syndicate owners view on Surrey Gold!
Weekly Update - 7th March
It’s been a difficult week for racing with the wrong type of publicity. From a Surrey Racing view we wouldn’t stand for one of our trainers disrespecting a horse and would withdraw from that stable immediately. We treat the subject of health and welfare with the utmost respect and are always at pains to see our retired horses find a loving and caring home.
To Sell or Not to Sell ?
Many owners at some point face a tough question on whether to sell or not - it’s always a difficult decision but we have a view - read on !
Nearly End of Lockdown Update
There are green shoots with Spring in the air and great news that owners will hopefully be back on the racecourse with outside hospitality on April 12th. Read more and a few notes on a very enjoyable owner’s zoom call with The Champion trainer this week.
Weekly Update - 21st Feb
Our first start of 2021 was a slightly disappointing 3rd from Gran Luna, but that’s racing and onwards and upwards, read more about her and our Zoom call this week with George Baker
Valentine’s Update
Happy Valentine’s Day !
A busy week for Surrey Racing with an entry for Gran Luna and the start of a series of Zoom call’s with the trainers.
Focus On…Joe Tuite
This week we focus on a most winning trainer, Joe Tuite.
February Update
The ground will be too heavy for Gran Luna at Taunton on Tuesday so we still await our first runner of 2021 - read more in the weekly update.
The Female Jockeys’ Allowance – A Step Forward or Back ?
Last week we considered the need for the mares and fillies sex allowance and whether it was fair. Today, we tackle the even more controversial subject of the female jockeys allowance, a topic re-ignited by the decision of the French racing authorities in 2017 to introduce a weight allowance of 2kg for female riders (reduced to 1.5kg in March 2018).
Weekly Update - 31st Jan
The last day of January, where is the year going ! With case numbers dropping and vaccines soaring it feels we are only a few months away from seeing the horses again, the very reason owners sign up to race horse syndicates. Read what’s been happening with Surrey Racing this past week.
Are Weight Allowances Needed?
The issue of fairness is never far away when discussing weight allowances in racing. Traditionally, the focus has been on whether mares and fillies need the sex allowance and, if they do, are the amounts right? This week we will take a look at the topic of the Mares and Fillies Allowance and next week, cover the even more contentious issue of the female jockeys allowance.
A Snowy Update
We ended 2020 with a win and now we have our first runner of 2021 with Gran Luna entered at Wetherby - can we start 2021 with a win?!
Lockdown Update
Read the latest from Surrey Racing HQ including exciting news that Gran Luna will be back on a racecourse soon!
Champion Trainer - Champion Syndicate!
Surrey Horse Racing Syndicate is currently associated with two National Hunt horses and five flat horses with different trainers. They have created an opportunity to experience a great day out, with the chance of a big race winner. The opportunity with the National Hunt horses is enhanced, as we have horses who are trained by Nicky Henderson, who is probably the most loved, trusted, and successful of all trainer’s in Britain.
Weekly Update - 10th Jan
10 days already into this cold barren New Year with plenty of racing on TV to keep us occupied. Unfortunately no Surrey Racing right now, we’re still a fair few weeks until our first entry but there surely is a glimmer of light?
Welcome 2021 Update
Happy New Year - wishing you all a very healthy and prosperous 2021. It looks to be really exciting year for Surrey Racing, with two horses having won their last race, and 3 to make their debuts.
Weekly Update
This is the last weekly of the year, a strange and difficult one for many of us. We’re confident that Surrey Racing will give you plenty to cheer in 2021 – let’s hope we can do that cheering together from the racetrack, but there’s no doubt we have some very exciting talent coming through.